
listen to the pronunciation of variable]]
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von variable]] im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch


Onun yerine az önce tanımladığım iki ekonomik değişkenin tartışmasına döneceğim. - Instead, I will turn to a discussion of the two economic variables I defined a moment ago.

C'deki değişken isimler büyük küçük harfe duyarlıdır. - Variable names in C are case sensitive.

{i} mat. değişken
{s} kararsız
{i} değişen şey
variable cost
(Ticaret) değişen masraf
variable cost
değişken maliyet
{i} tutarsızlık
(Askeri) değişen rüzgar
variable costs
değişen maliyetler
variable costs
(Ticaret) değişken maliyetler
variable expenses
(Ticaret) değişken giderler
variable fund
(Ticaret) değişken fon
variable interest
(Ticaret) değişken faiz
variable speed
değişken hız
variable star
(Astronomi) değişen yıldız
variable time fuze
(Askeri) vt tapası
variable time fuze
(Askeri) değişik zamanlı tapa
variable value
(Bilgisayar) değişken değeri
{i} değişkenlik
değişken nicelik
variable budget
değişken bütçe
variable length record
değişken uzunluklu kayıt
variable list table
değişken listeli çizelge
variable load
değişken yük
variable name
değişken ismi
variable pitch propeller
değişken eğimli pervane
variable quantity
değişken miktar
variable resistor
değişken resistör
variable star
değişken yıldız
variable winds
değişken rüzgârlar
variable word length
değişken sözcük uzunluğu
{i} çelişki
variable address
değişken adres
variable and constants
harfli ifadeler
variable and subject to change
değişken ve değiştirilebilir
variable block
değişken blok, değişken öbek
variable charges
değişken masraflar
variable condenser
döner levhali kondansatör, değişken sigaç
variable connector
değişken bağlayıcı
variable control chart
değişken kontrol grafiği
variable coupling
değişken kuplaj
variable cycle operation
değişken çevrimli çalışma
variable field length
değişken alan uzunluğu
variable focus lens
zum merceği, değişir odaklı mercek
variable format file
değişken format dosyası, değişken biçim kütüğü
variable frequency
değişken frekans
variable input
değişken bilgi
variable lead time
değişken yol zaman
variable length
değişken uzunluk
variable logic
değişken mantığı
variable or erratic
değişken veya düzensiz
variable output-powered laser
değişken çıkış güçlü lazer
variable overhead
değişken genel
variable point representation
değişken noktalı gösterim
variable rate
(Ekonomi) Değişken fiyat
variable rates shares
değişken oranlı hisse
variable region
değişken bölge
variable reluctance pickup
değişken relüktans pikabı
variable symbol
değişken simge
variable trace
değişken iz
variable transformer
değişken transformatör
variable, changeable
değişken, değişken
variable-rate mortgage
değişken oranlı ipotek
Variable speed drive
(Tekstil) Değişken hızlı tahrik
{i} uyuşmazlık
{i} fikir ayrılığı
(İnşaat) değişken, değişebilir
{i} değişken şey
(Tıp) Cinsinden başka türlü
{s} değişen
{s} dönek
variable block
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) değişken öbek
variable block
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) değişken blok
variable capacitor
değişken kondansatör
variable capacitor
(Elektrik, Elektronik) ayarlı kondansatör
variable ceiling
(Meteoroloji) değişken tavan
variable condenser
(Fizik) döner levhalı kondansatör
variable condenser
(Fizik) değişken sığaç
variable condenser
(Radyo) bağımsız kondansatör
variable costs
variable data
(Bilgisayar) değişken verileri
variable duties
(Ticaret) değişken gümrük vergileri
variable error
değişken hata
variable expense
(Ticaret) değişken masraf
variable field
degisken alan
variable field
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) değişken alan
variable flow
değişken akış
variable functions
(Matematik) değişkenli fonksiyonlar
variable gear
ayarlı grenaj
variable lead method
(Askeri) DEĞİŞİK ÖNLEME İLE ATEŞ USULÜ: Harekat halindeki bir hedefe özellikle bir uçağa karşı ateş usulü. Bu usulde, önleme, sabit bir ortalamada tutamayıp değişir. Asgari önleme, hedef ateş bölgesine girerken veya ateş bölgesinden çıkarken; azami önleme ise, hedef ateş mevziine en yakın bir yerde (geçiş noktasında) bulunduğu zaman kullanılır
variable length coding
degisken uzunluklu kodlama
variable loads
değişken yükler
variable message format
(Askeri) değişken mesaj formatı
variable name
değişken adı
variable pitch
değişken hatve
variable price
(Ticaret) değişken fiyat
variable resistor
(Elektrik, Elektronik) bağımsız direnç
variable risk
(Kanun) değişken risk
variable rules
(Kanun) değişken kurallar
variable rules
(Kanun) yoruma dayalı hükümler
variable safety level
(Askeri) Bak "safety level of supply"
variable shutter
(Sinema) değişir örtücü
variable size record
degisken boylu tutanak
variable speed
değişken hızlı
variable string
(Bilgisayar) değişken dize
variable time fuze
(Askeri) VT TAPASI: Bir mermi, bomba, mayın veya infilak hakkını, temasla değil dış tesirlerle faaliyete geçtiği zaman infilak ettirecek şekilde imal edilmiş bir tapa. Ayrıca bak "fuze"
variable trace
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) değişken izleme
variable voice
(Tiyatro) çeşitlemeli ses
bound variable
(Matematik) bağımlı değişken
bound variable
bağlı değişken
chance variable
(Matematik) seçkisiz değişken
cognitive variable
(Dilbilim) bilişsel değişken
complex variable
(Bilgisayar,Matematik) karmaşık değişken
continuous variable
(Bilgisayar,Dilbilim,Teknik) sürekli değişken
controlled variable
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) kontrol edilen değişken
controlled variable
(Bilgisayar) denetlenen değişken
decision variable
karar değişkeni
discrete random variable
(Matematik) süreksiz rassal değişken
discrete variable
ayrık değişken
dummy variable
(Bilgisayar,Matematik) takma değişken
environmental variable
çevre değişkeni
exogenous variable
(Ticaret) dışsal değişken
explanatory variable
(Askeri) açıklayıcı değişken
input variable
(Bilgisayar) giriş değişkeni
instrumental variable
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) araç değişken
integer variable
tamsayı değişken
intervening variable
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) ara değişken
latent variable
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) gizli değişken
logic variable
(Bilgisayar) mantıksal değişken
logic variable
(Bilgisayar) anahtarlama değişkeni
measured variable
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) ölçülen değişken
outcome variable
bağımlı değişken
random variable
rassal değişken
require variable declaration
(Bilgisayar) değişken tanımı iste
response variable
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) tepki değişkeni
response variable
bağımlı değişken
slack variable
arttıran yapay değişken
stochastic variable
(Matematik) stokastik değişken
stochastic variable
(Matematik) seçkisiz değişken
structured variable field
(İnşaat,Teknik) yapılı değişken alanı
subject variable
(Dilbilim) konu değişkeni
surplus variable
eksilten yapay değişken
adjustable variable speed
ayarlı değişken hızı
binary variable
ikili değişken
chance variable
rastlantı değişkeni
conditional variable
koşullu değişken
continuous random variable
sürekli rastgele değişken
controlled variable
kontrollü değişken
dependent variable
bağımlı değişken
dummy variable
sağır değişken
dummy variable
kukla değişken
dummy variable
duyarsız değişken
environment variable
çevre değişkeni
global variable
genel değişken
independent variable
bağımsız değişken
integer variable
tamsayı değişkeni
intermediate variable
ara değişken
irregular variable star
düzensiz değişen yıldız
local variable
yerel değişken
logical variable
mantıksal değişken
magnetic variable star
manyetik değişken yıldız
manipulated variable
ayarlanmış değişken
numeric variable
sayısal değişken
static variable
statik değişken
Englisch - Englisch

Definition von variable]] im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch

a variable star
a symbol representing a variable
marked by diversity or difference
tending to deviate from a normal or recognized type
a named memory location in which a program can store intermediate results and from which it can read them
something that is [[#Adjective|variable]]
likely to vary
having no fixed quantitative value
able to vary
a quantity that may assume any one of a set of values
something whose value may be dictated or discovered

There are several variables to consider here.

variable antshrike
a passerine bird of the antbird family
variable antshrikes
plural form of variable antshrike
variable binding
The association between a variable name and its value
variable bindings
plural form of variable binding
variable costs
The cost of work and materials that change according to the change in volume of the productions. The fixed costs and the variable costs together makes the total cost of the product
variable star
Any star whose brightness varies
variable stars
plural form of variable star
variable tandem repeat locus
any DNA sequence that exists in multiple copies strung together in various tandem lengths
having a tendency to change
variable cost
An avoidable cost of a variable input (p 278)
{a} changeable, inconstant, sickle
Variable Frequency Oscillation Generator
{i} audio oscillator invented by William R. Hewlett in which the frequency of the oscillations produced can be varied continuously
NCL: A name that can contain a singly-dimensioned or multi-dimensioned data array, dimension names, coordinate variables, attributes, and so forth
An occurrence of a pattern variable is translated into an invocation of the unparse function for the phylum of the pattern variable
(used of a device) designed so that a property (as e g light) can be varied; "a variable capacitor"; "variable filters in front of the mercury xenon lights"
A variable is Lisp object that can store an arbitrary value Emacs uses some variables for internal purposes, and has others (known as `options' (q v )) you can set to control the behavior of Emacs The variables used in Emacs that you are likely to be interested in are listed in the Variables Index of this manual See section Variables, for information on variables
That which is variable; that which varies, or is subject to change
An item of data named by an identifier Each variable has a type, such as int or Object, and a scope See also class variable, instance variable, local variable
a quantity that can assume any of a set of values a symbol (like x or y) that is used in mathematical or logical expressions to represent a variable quantity something that is likely to vary; something that is subject to variation; "the weather is one variable to be considered"
A quantity which may increase or decrease; a quantity which admits of an infinite number of values in the same expression; a variable quantity; as, in the equation x2 - y2 = R2, x and y are variables
Any characteristic or attribute of persons, objects, or events that can take on different numerical values
(used of a device) designed so that a property (as e
(1) A quantity which may take any one of a specified set of values It is convenient to apply the same word to denote non-measurable characteristics, e g "sex" is a variable in this sense since any human individual may take one of two "values," male or female It is useful, but far from being the general practice, to distinguish between a variable as so defined and a random variable or variate (2) Any structural element in an ecosystem that varies over time, also "component " (3)A condition of a system in which elements or a performance measure take different values
A Java name that has scope only from its declaration to the end of the enclosing block Variables are formally called local variables; sometimes, this is abbreviated to locals
A variable is an abbreviation for a sequence of characters, and may appear anywhere that the characters in question could appear Even if the variable contains a number (e g 6 62559e-34) it is still just a characters, although SM may choose to treat them as a number in some contexts (e g the right-hand side of a SET command)
something that is likely to vary; something that is subject to variation; "the weather is one variable to be considered"
In a system of formal logic, any symbol that—unlike a constant—designates generally Thus, the propositional calculus employs statement variables, while quantification theory makes use of individual variables Also see OCP
a named memory location in which a program can store intermediate results and from which it can read it them
A named object that holds a single value SQL*Plus uses bind substitution, system, and user variables
something that is variable
—A typed storage location in memory The type of the variable determines what kind of data it can store Examples of variables include local variables, parameters, array elements, static fields and instance fields See Types
light can be varied; "a variable capacitor"; "variable filters in front of the mercury xenon lights" liable to or capable of change; "rainfall in the tropics is notoriously variable"; "variable winds"; "variable expenses
Variables are named locations of your program's memory that hold something See Variables and Types
Something that is variable changes quite often, and there usually seems to be no fixed pattern to these changes. The potassium content of foodstuffs is very variable a variable rate of interest. + variability vari·abil·ity There's a great deal of variability between individuals
A term used in statistics is used to describe the factors that are to be studied Data variables are described as either: 1) Qualitative (Categorical) or
Having the capacity of varying or changing; capable of alternation in any manner; changeable; as, variable winds or seasons; a variable quantity
A symbol that can hold different values at different times For example, the variable var1 might hold 55 25 one time a program is run, -32 7 the next time, and different numbers other times Program variables are much like the unknowns in a formula, such as the L and W in this formula: Area = L x W In programs, however, variables often hold different values at different times within the same program A variable can be contrasted with a constant A constant might be the number 150, but a variable might be the symbol dis (short for distance) which can hold 150 or any other number Besides holding numbers, variables often hold strings, lists, etc See also "Local variable," "Global variable," and System variable" above
An element in a model For example, in the model RS&Pt+1 = a + b Tbill t + et, where RS&Pt+1 is the return on the S&P in month t+1 and Tbill is the Tbill return at month t, both RS&P and Tbill are "variables" because they change through time; i e , they are not constant
A variable contains global information that can be accessed in all parts of a model Variables can be of type integer or real They must defined in the Build/Variables menu before they can be used
A value or string that can be changed - think of it as a "box" A variable can contain either a string (a string variable) or a number (a numeric variable) The contents of the "box" can be read or changed at any time You can access the contents of a string variable within any parameter by enclosing the variable name with "#" characters, and similiarly a numeric variable can be accessed inside any parameter by enclosing its name with "%" characters
a star that varies noticeably in brightness
A variable is a letter that is used as a temporary replacement for numbers
A variable is an object in Lisp that can store an arbitrary value Emacs uses some variables for internal purposes, and has others (known as `user options' (q v )) just so that you can set their values to control the behavior of Emacs The variables used in Emacs that you are likely to be interested in are listed in the Variables Index in this manual See section Variables, for information on variables
A shifting wind, or one that varies in force
liable to or capable of change; "rainfall in the tropics is notoriously variable"; "variable winds"; "variable expenses
(1) A name that represents a string value Variables that usually are set only on a command line are called parameters Other variables are simply names to which the user or the shell may assign string values (2) In Fortran 90, data object whose value can be defined and redefined A variable may be a scalar or an array (3) In the shell command language, a named parameter See also shell variable
Those parts of the sea where a steady wind is not expected, especially the parts between the trade-wind belts
{i} something given to variation; quantity that may represent any one of a set of values (Mathematics); star whose brightness variates at intervals (Astronomy)
marked by diversity or difference; "the varying angles of roof slope"; "nature is infinitely variable"
a symbol (like x or y) that is used in mathematical or logical expressions to represent a variable quantity
liable to or capable of change; "rainfall in the tropics is notoriously variable"; "variable winds"; "variable expenses"
light can be varied; "a variable capacitor"; "variable filters in front of the mercury xenon lights"
A variable is an object in Lisp that can store an arbitrary value Emacs uses some variables for internal purposes, and has others (known as `options' (q v )) just so that you can set their values to control the behavior of Emacs The variables used in Emacs that you are likely to be interested in are listed in the Variables Index in this manual See section Variables, for information on variables
A variable is a quantity that can have any one of a set of values. It is conventional to place the independent variable on the right-hand side of an equation. In algebra, a symbol (usually a letter) standing in for an unknown numerical value in an equation. Commonly used variables include x and y (real-number unknowns), z (complex-number unknowns), t (time), r (radius), and s (arc length). Variables should be distinguished from coefficients, fixed values that multiply powers of variables in polynomials and algebraic equations. In the quadratic equation ax^2 + bx + c = 0, x is the variable and a, b and c are coefficients whose values must be specified to solve the equation. In translating word problems into algebraic equations, quantities to be determined can be represented by variables. Cepheid variable complex variable eclipsing variable star random variable variable star
{s} changeable, fluctuating, inconstant; fickle; having a quantity that is unfixed; deviating from the norm
a data array together with all the information attached to it: label (8 characters), descriptor (48 characters), status information (type: 1= numeric variable, 2= GVAR, 3=alpha/the number of cases and a tie) and three associated values minimum, maximum and a reference value (default= median) The user refers to a variable using an integer number referring to the relative position of the variable in the WA Instead of numbers variable labels or ties can be specified using the # substitution When storing a WA in an EDA file variables are packed; i e variables are stored consecutively with no empty variables in between The same can be done by the PACK command Variables can be protected or unprotected and have different usages (type of variable) You should very clearly distinguish letter variables, i e scalar variables and "normal" variables, i e vectors
A variable is a factor that can change in quality, quantity, or size, which you have to take into account in a situation. Decisions could be made on the basis of price, delivery dates, after-sales service or any other variable
Liable to vary; too susceptible of change; mutable; fickle; unsteady; inconstant; as, the affections of men are variable; passions are variable
A variable is a symbol into which data can be stored As its name implies, the value, or contents, of a variable can change during program execution In the earliest form of BASIC, variable names were typically single alphabetic characters for variables containing numbers and alphabetic characters preceded by a "$" for "string" variables A "string" variable is a variable containing alphabetic and/or punctuation characters In PICK/BASIC, variable names may be of any length and therefore should be descriptively named Variable names must begin with an alphabetic character and may include alphabetic characters, periods and dollar signs
a quantity that can assume any of a set of values
A named storage location that can contain data that can be modified during program execution Each variable has a name that uniquely identifies it within its level of scope Variable names: Must begin with an alphabetic character Can't contain an embedded period or type-declaration character Must be unique within the same scope Must be no longer than 255 characters
text-strings of the form %VARIABLE% that are expanded on the fly into text, image, or any other type of embedded content; predefined variables are coded into the main TWiki package, Plugins variables, and user-specified variables are created in TWikiPreferences, WebPreferences, or single topics
variable annuity
An annuity in which payments to the annuitant vary according to the changing market value of the underlying investment
variable charges
payments whose sizes are dependent upon the amount of production
variable control chart
(Ticaret) A chart presenting actual data from quality tests that shows the range, upper and lower limits, and deviation characteristics of a set of observations
variable cost
Any costs which change significantly with the level of output
variable cost
Any costs which change significantly with the level of output The obvious example is cost of materials
variable cost
A cost that changes in total in direct proportion to a change in an organization's activity
variable cost
costs that tend to change in relation to changes in output Variable costs can be expressed in algebraic form as Y = bX
variable cost
A cost that fluctuates with the volume or activity level of business
variable cost
A cost that varies with changes in the quantity of output produced when other factors are held constant The cost of material handling to an activity, for example, varies according to the number of material deliveries and pickups to and from that activity
variable cost
The total costs incurred to produce energy, excluding fixed costs which are incurred regardless of whether the resource is operating Variable costs usually include fuel, maintenance and labor
variable cost
A cost that varies in relation to the level of operational activity
variable cost
A cost that fluctuates directly with output changes
variable cost
A cost that changes with the production quantity or the performance of services This contrasts with fixed costs that do not change with production quantity or services performed
variable cost
A cost that fluctuates with the volume of business
variable cost
Includes cost of merchandise, cost of returns, reply postage, order processing, credit card fee, credit check costs, customer service, fulfillment, returns, bad debt, collection effort and premiums
variable cost
A cost that is directly proportional to the volume of output produced When production is zero, the variable cost is equal to zero
variable cost
expense whose size is dependent upon the amount of production
variable cost
any costs that change significantly with the level of output eg cost of materials
variable cost
A cost for material, labor or overhead that changes in a traceable and measurable way due to changes in the volume of production units or operating hours in a given period variable lead time- Lead time for a manufactured or purchased item that varies due to changes in quantity or process constraints
variable cost
Costs that vary in total dollar amount based on the level of activity or production These costs increase or decrease as the volume of production rises or falls Compare this term with Fixed cost
variable cost
A business cost that changes in direct response to changes in the level of operating activity Contrast with fixed cost
variable cost
That cost which varies directly, or nearly directly, with the volume of activity
variable cost
Refers to the portion of a utility's cost of service which varies with the volume of sales
variable cost
A cost incurred each time a service is used or a product produced
variable expenses
Operating expenses that vary with the volume of business For example, shipping supplies increase as the volume of items sold increases See also direct cost
variable expenses
kinds of spending that can be controlled and typically change from month to month For example, groceries can be a variable expense You can choose to buy expensive food, (steak, lobster, lamb chops, or shrimp) or inexpensive food (chicken legs, turkey, hamburger) With variable expenses, you have choices
variable expenses
Costs or payments that may vary from month to month (for example, grocery bills)
variable expenses
are those business costs that usually fluctuate dependent upon manufacturing or sales volume
variable expenses
property operating costs that increase with occupancy
variable expenses
Business expenses that will change from month to month, such as advertising
variable expenses
May occur regularly, but they vary from one time to another Examples: utilities, groceries, telephone
variable expenses
Costs of doing business that vary with the volume of business, such as advertising costs, manufacturing costs and bad debts
variable expenses
Operating costs of a property which are not fixed, which change as a result of certain contingencies, such as percentage occupation of the property, type of use of the property, perhaps even the season of the year (for heating and air conditioning costs)
variable expenses
are those expenses which may vary in both amount and frequency For example, your electricity bill is different each time, because the amount of electricity you use each month is never the same Other examples might include medical expenses, petrol, and your food bill
variable expenses
These costs increase as sales volume increases i e raw materials, distribution, sub contracted labour etc
variable interest
interest rate which is not fixed, interest rate which changes
variable interest loan
loan with a interest rate that is not fixed during the term of the loan
variable lead time
(Ticaret) Lead time for a manufactured or purchased item that varies due to changes in quantity or process constraints
variable length
(Ticaret) 1) A field whose size varies based on the amount of data in the field 2) A lead time that varies based on quantity or other parameter
variable logic
A form of internal machine logic that may be changed to match programming formats
variable name
collection of characters that comprise a unique signal for a variable in a program
variable overhead
(Ticaret) Overhead costs that change as a result of changes in production volume, but can not be directly traced to a given product or line. Ex.- utility costs that increase for a given facility in proportion to increased overall levels of production
variable rate
price which changes
variable rate mortgage
mortgage with a interest rate that can be changed during the term of the loan
variable rates shares
group of stocks that change in price as the market changes
variable region
The portion of the amino terminal of an immunoglobulin's heavy and light chains having a variable amino acid sequence
variable resistor
device that allows one to change electrical resistance
variable resistor
a resistor with a sliding contact that permits changing the resistance value
variable resistor
A circuit component whose resistance is can varied manually
variable resistor
A wire-wound resistor in which resistance can be changed to vary the amount of current or voltage that the resistor passes through the circuit 4
variable resistor
rheostat: resistor for regulating current
variable star
A star whose brightness varies because of internal changes or periodic eclipsing of mutually revolving stars. Star whose observed brightness varies noticeably in intensity. Pulsating variables expand and contract in cycles, pulsating rhythmically in brightness and size. Explosive variables include novas and supernovas, which brighten rapidly due to sudden outbursts of radiant energy; the increased brightness lasts a short time, followed by relatively slow dimming. Eclipsing variable stars are variable only because light from one star is blocked by another in Earth's direction. Hundreds of thousands of variable stars are known. See also binary star; Cepheid variable; flare star; pulsar; T Tauri star
variable star
a star that varies noticeably in brightness
variable wind
wind of changing intensity
variable-pitch propeller
propeller for which the angle of the blades is adjustable
Boolean variable
Any variable, from the domain of Boolean algebra, having one of only two values
across variable
A variable whose value is determined by measuring a difference of the values at two extreme points of an element; thus voltage is a difference in two levels of potential
bound variable
A variable that is associated with a value, and therefore a variable that has an allocated storage location. If the programming language implements a representation of a canonical unknown value, infinity, etc., the value bound to the variable may be one of these
cardinal variable
A variable whose values are ordered, that can be multiplied by a scalar, and for which the magnitude of differences in values is meaningful
categorical variable
A nominal variable
cepheid variable
A radially pulsating (expanding and contracting) variable star with a regular period and known relationship between period and intrinsic brightness
confounding variable
An extraneous variable in a statistical model that correlates (positively or negatively) with both the dependent variable and the independent variable
continuous variable
A variable that has a continuous distribution function, such as temperature
continuously variable transmission
Any of several forms of transmission, without specific gears, in which the gear ratio may be changed without any noticeable steps
continuously variable transmissions
plural form of continuously variable transmission
dependent variable
an outcome measured to see the effectiveness of the treatment
dependent variable
In an equation, the variable whose value depends on one or more variables in the equation

In the equation z = x2 + y, z is the dependent variable.

discrete variable
A variable that takes values from a finite or countable set, such as the number of legs of an animal
extraneous variable
A random variable that is not an independent variable and may bear any effect on the behaviour of the subject being studied
flow variable
A variable whose value depends on a period of time rather than an instant, example being the gross domestic product
free variable
A variable that is not bound to a storage location
helium variable
A star in which the strength of the helium absorption lines vary periodically; at times appearing to be a helium star
hidden variable
any parameter that would supplement quantum mechanics so as to make it like classical mechanics; they have been proved to be inconsistent with quantum mechanics
independent variable
The variable that is changed in a series of experiments
independent variable
In an equation, any variable whose value is not dependent on any other in the equation

In the equation z = x2 + y, x and y are the independent variables.

interval variable
An ordinal variable with the additional property that the magnitudes of the differences between two values are meaningful
manipulated variable
The variable in a scientific experiment that is changed
metasyntactic variable
A conventional variable name used for an unspecified entity whose exact nature depends on context

Use metasyntactic variables like foo and bar when you need a name but the particular name doesn't matter.

nominal variable
A nominal variable has values which have no numerical value. As a result the order or sequence of nominal variables is not prescribed. Examples of nominal variables are gender, occupation.[[#English|nominal variable]]
ordinal variable
A variable with values whose order is significant, but on which no meaningful arithmetic-like operations can be performed
propositional variable
A variable that can either be true or false
random variable
A measurable function from a sample space to the measurable space of possible values of the variable
random variable
A quantity whose value is random and to which a probability distribution is assigned, such as the possible outcome of a roll of a dice
ratio variable
A variable with the features of interval variable and, additionally, whose any two values have meaningful ratio, making the operations of multiplication and division meaningful
reference variable
A variable used for storing the address of another variable or structure, equivalent to a pointer

The value of a reference variable is the memory address at which the data associated with the object is stored.

register variable
A variable whose value is stored directly in a register for faster access
responding variable
dependent variable
schematic variable
A variable that appears in an axiom schema and ranges over formulas, distiguished from the variables of the axiom schema that are quantified over and that range over the individuals of the universe of discourse
standardized variable
The value of a variable minus its mean, divided by its standard deviation
state variable
A variable that describes the state of a dynamical system
stock variable
A variable whose value depends on an instant rather than on a period of time